Tesla Model 3 Ranks Last in TÜV Report: High Inspection Failure Rates Revealed

Current TÜV Report Findings:
   – The latest TÜV report assesses the reliability and performance of various car models.
   – Among the 221 car models evaluated, 2 to 3-year-old Tesla Model 3s rank last.

Tesla Model 3 Inspection Failures:
   – According to the report, 15% of these Tesla Model 3 vehicles fail the main inspection.
   – This failure rate places the Tesla Model 3 as the worst performer in its category.

Comparison with Average Failure Rates:
   – The failure rate of 15% for the Tesla Model 3 is more than twice the average failure rate for all car models included in the report.
   – The average failure rate is significantly lower and primarily consists of models with internal combustion engines.

Source of Information:
   – The findings were reported by the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

These points provide a comprehensive and detailed summary of the TÜV report’s findings on the Tesla Model 3.

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