India Defies Odds, GDP Skyrockets to New Heights!

By BigBreakingWire 

India's GDP Surges: Economic Boom Unveiled

Ministry data reveals remarkable 8.4% growth in December quarter, exceeding expectations.

Economic Resilience: India's GDP Beats Forecasts

Second advance estimates project 7.6% growth, signaling robust recovery from global uncertainties.

Optimism Soars: India's GDP Growth Accelerates

Upward revision underscores government's adept fiscal management and economic dynamism.

Sectoral Growth Spotlight: Manufacturing Thrive

Government reports 11.6% year-on-year growth in the manufacturing sector for December quarter.

Agricultural Resurgence: Farm Sector Flourishes 

Farm sector registers 3.8% year-on-year growth, contributing to India's economic expansion.

Fiscal Deficit Concerns: India's Federal Budget Strain 

January records federal fiscal deficit at 11,026.02B, emphasizing need for prudent management.

Infrastructure Momentum Continues: Growth Persist

January sees 3.6% year-on-year growth in infrastructure output, indicating sustained expansion.

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